estudio__entresitio is a madrid-new york based architecture practice whose work seeks material abstraction in defining unique spaces to inhabit. technical rigour and attention to program support the translation of conceptual ideas into non-standard contemporary buildings. entresitio is a madrid-new york based architecture firm, founded in 1993, with extensive experience designing and constructing buildings and a parallel research based academic activity.

entresitio is a spatial practice with “a sheer will to build architecture”.
projects range from stand-alone houses to public dwellings, healthcare centers, social and transportation hubs and museums. entresitio’s work is publicly recognized with international awards, exhibitions and publications world-wide.

novel solutions for what is functional and necessary without sacrificing creativity or exploration.
rigorous approach to tectonics and the material quality of the built environment.
transposition from program to space is supported by a contemporary disciplinary approach to typology and the mastering of geometrical strategies to be inhabited.


josé maría hurtado de mendoza wahrolén

member of estudio_entresitio since 1999

master in architecture from the polytechnic university of madrid (etsam’99).

rome’s prize in the spanish academy in rome in 2004.

associate architect

álvar ruiz villanueva

he joined estudio_entresitio in 2007, when he finished the architecture studies in madrid (etsam)

he thinks better with a pencil in his hand.


carolina leveroni

argentinian architect based in madrid. she studied architecture at facultad de arquitectura, diseño y urbanismo de la universidad de buenos aires (fadu-uba 2002).

building engineer

borja requena garcía

degree in building engineering from the polytechnic university of madrid (euatm 2002).


nicola di maso

bachelor in architecture from the polytechnic university of bari, italy (2016)

bachelor in architecture from the polytechnic university of madrid etsam/upm (2022)

master in architecture from the polytechnic university of madrid etsam/upm (2023)


carolina del barrio narváez

bachelor in architecture from the polytechnic university of madrid etsam/upm (2019)

master in architecture from the polytechnic university of madrid etsam/upm (2020)

master bim architectural modeling from 24studio (2022)


laura guignet

bachelor in architecture from école nationale supérieure d'architecture in saint etienne, france (2021)

master in architecture from école nationale supérieure d'architecture in saint etienne, france (2023)

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